Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Dogs Treat Me Better Than You

Since my sobriety I have noticed somethings that I had overlooked before. Mostly how poorly people treat each other. We learn to interact with Men and Women through many circumstances as we grow into adults. However most of our people skills are learned from our parents and grandparents. Try to stay with me on this one.

I was taught the following:
-Treat people with dignity and respect and they will show you the same.
-If you say you will do something, Do it.
-If you are invited to an occasion (wedding, birthday, dinner, etc...) Say "Yes Thank You" or "I can't make it, Thank You" Do not leave others waiting on your account.
-If someone is in need, assist them
-Never Gossip
-Never tell anyone what they "Should" do, it is belittling
-Do not use guilt to get what you want
-Accept gifts and compliments as if they were treasures and make sure to say thank you. Not "you shouldn't have" or "I wish you hadn't" It's Rude
-Even when the world craps in your mouth, smile and be thankful you are not the only one on the planet. Smile at strangers, it will change their outlook and yours.
-Be excited to see everyone from your best friend to the clerk at the store.
-When you are angry with someone, state the fact and let it go.
-Never shit on someone Else's life.

In stating these simple things I have learned, you could surmise, that I see allot of people not following the simple rules of courtesy, "Why are people so stupid and ignorant, the world does not revolve around us, it revolves around the sun. I am not the center of the universe and neither are you. If at some point in your life someone told you that you were better than everyone else, well they lied to you."

The rich man is no better than the poor man, the healthy man no better than the sick man, the overweight no better than the skinny, the well educated no better than the ignorant. We all see through a different set of eyes. But the bottom line is no matter what end of the spectrum you find yourself, we all still act upon our basic instinctual needs (the need to be loved and secure, to nourish our bodies, we fear to keep us safe from harm, we accomplish to give us fulfillment, sadly we destroy what we don't understand). I will rewrite the list as my dogs see it, since they are much smarter than any human I know myself included.

-Treat the other dogs, cats, and the human with respect and they will return the favor twice fold
-If it's playtime I'm in
-If I'm invited to go for a ride, I'll get in the car or sit at the door and wait till you are back
-If I see you have fallen I will lick your face and try to bring you the phone, or I will bark until help arrives
-I don't have the time to waste explaining how Fido and Fluffy got stuck together or the way Rex's butt smelled
-It's not my concern how you live your life as long as you love me
-Whining for things never works, I just get ignored
-Give me a treat or a new toy and I will be forever grateful
-Even I know how to smile, and it makes my human and his friends happy
-Sometimes I get yelled at for being too jumpy, but I want visitors to know they are welcome and that I got their backs
-When I'm angry I growl, then I am happy again, why waste time
-I like to leave my shit in the yard or woods where nature can take care of it, not in someone Else's house. That behavior is simply for dumb puppies.


My Morning Empowerment exercise! Click here!

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to post a reply of a simple yet magically complex thank you.

    I am not certain how it all came about, but this week I was reminded of somethings about myself. Something about the duality of rules, a goose her gander.

    I try to treat people the way I would want to be treated and I should be happy to be treated in any way (its better than being completely ignored I suppose .. wow .. that sounds like a pity party and I apologize if it seems that way - I didn't mean it to .. )

    Anyway - I should just say thank you and be quiet so .. thank you ..

    With respect and gratitude today, tomorrow and always

