This being said can someone please tell me where the Angry Gnome comes from. I wake up with him from time to time, more often these days. He whispers in my ear things like "That was not fair the way your friend treated you", "Why are people repeating themselves, they must think you are stupid or deaf." "When people use the words 'You Know' repeatedly, they are just lying to you." "The boss treats you like a work horse while he sits and watches because he thinks you are too stupid for anything except for poorly paid manual labor." Most days I can kick this little Bugger to the side, but lately he has been very persistent. These are the days I spend alone, or do not answer the phone.
I wonder if the Angry Gnome was always there and I just kept him drunk most of the time, or maybe busy being in love. He never ate right, rarely exercised. Maybe now that I am clear headed so is he. Either way I don't like him. I have always tried to see the positive side of people, and even make excuses for their bad behavior. If the Angry Gnome is right, then the truth won't set us free, it will blind us with fear and uncertainty.
So given that statement, if the Angry Gnome is right I would need to clearly state when situations feel unfair to me at the risk of being called a bitch and in hopes that they can be rectified maturely. What about the past anger though that the little bastard keeps harping on. Certainly we cannot fix the past. He is right that the past never leaves us even when we think it is gone, in one brief moment, unknowingly it again becomes an open wound.
Should I let the little bastard hang out for awhile and see how it goes? Tell off every person who has let me down, lied to me, made empty promises or even worse (which I hate the most) unwanted sexual advances. Or do I continue to live over the rainbow where everyone has my best interest at heart, no one ever speaks behind your back, everyone works as a team for the common interest, where there is loyalty, faith and hope.
Just a Query...
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